Saturday, January 12, 2013

How to Ombré Hair with Henna

me with my ombre henna hair
Dying hair with henna is a simple & cheap way to test out a new hair color without blowing all of your money at the salon.

It was too messy for me to take pictures while in the process of dying my hair, but I will explain as much as I can!
*click below to learn how to get ombre henna hair*

What you will need:
  • Henna hair dye (I purchased Rainbow Henna in Persian Red from Whole Foods for $6)
  • gloves!
  • boiling water (I used Raspberry Zinger Tea to enhance redness)
  • a glass bowl for mixing
  • hair dye applicator brush (or you could use your hands)
  • plastic wrap
  • hair clips or ties to section off your hair
  • optional - 1 or 2 tablespoons of olive oil to condition the hair
**wear old clothes that you don't mind staining!**
**do the whole process on a small section of hair first to test it out! then you can judge how long to leave the dye on for your whole head!**

Step 1
  • pour the green henna powder into the glass bowl
  • I used half of the 4 oz. container and I have fairly long hair 
  • you can always add more, so don't worry about the amount
Step 2
  • boil water (in my case, I made tea and then re-boiled it)
  • add slowly into the glass bowl & mix until a thick paste
  • optional - add in 1 or 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • depending on the brand of henna, you may have to let the mixture sit for a few hours or overnight to bring out the color (I did NOT have to do this)
Step 3
  • section off your hair into small sections
  • put on your gloves!
  • begin painting the mixture on your hair with either the brush or your hands (I dyed about the bottom 1/3 of my hair)
  • make sure the ends of the hair are fully coated and then you can apply less & less of the mixture as you travel up the hair
  • if you want, you can deliberately apply shorter & longer coats of henna to different sections of hair for a more blended ombre look
Step 4
  • when finished applying the dye, I curled my hair around my fingers until they formed two dreadlock-like pigtails (I just found this easiest to wrap in plastic wrap)
  • wrap the dyed portion of your hair tightly in plastic wrap so it looks like you have plastic-coated pigtails (don't plastic wrap your whole head like you would if your were dying all of your hair)
Step 5
  • let the dye sit as long as desired based on your test strand of hair (I waited 4 hours even though the package suggested less than an hour)
  • unwrap the plastic and rinse out your hair in either the sick or shower (it WILL get everywhere so wash somewhere that's easiest to clean up)
  • you will probably have to rinse & shampoo multiple times until the water runs mostly clear
  • it will likely take a couple more days worth of showers until the water runs COMPLETELY clear, so don't stress!
  • let your hair dry naturally or blow dry it to see your new ombre hair!
  • the color WILL darken/intensify over the next 2 or 3 days
 (This is the second time I've dyed my hair with henna, the first being over the summer.)

the left side is natural & the right side is henna


  1. can you die blonde over red henna?

  2. This is so helpful! Thank you! I am naturally very light blonde but I want to do this so bad. Your results are beautiful.

  3. Can I do a blonde ombré on brown hair? Well, not really blonde, just a light chocolate on brown. :D
